Answer: is Parietal lobe.
In vision, the dorsal pathway includes not only the occipital and temporal lobes but also the parietal lobe.
Step-by-step explanation: Brain contains four types of lobes namely, Frontal lobe, Temporal lobe, Occipital lobe and Parietal lobe.
Parietal lobe: In the four lobes of the brain, Parietal lobes are the main lobes of the cerebral cortex. Parietal lobes are situated behind the frontal lobes and above the temporal lobes. Parietal lobe is positioned at the back of the brain and is further divided into two hemisphere.Its functions includes, processing sensory information (awareness among the parts of the body), also interpreting visual information and interpreting languages and mathematics. Furthermore, its functions includes processing the information about sense of taste, touch, temperature and pain.