The book is "Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States", also known as the Blue Book. . Its purpose is to provide the Army with guidelines and regulations.
Step-by-step explanation:
Friedrich von Steuben, Baron von Steuben, was a Prussian Captain hired to help train and lift the morale of the Continental Army in 1778. After major setbacks, in which the British retook several locations in the 13 colonies, the Continental Army was camped in Valley Forge.
Baron von Steuben quickly transformed the camp's disposition - for instance, placing the kitchens and latrines in opposite sides of it - for hygiene and efficiency. He also trained the soldiers in a much harder and more disciplined way than they were used to. Baron von Steuben, for example, taught them an efficient way to fire and reload their guns, and had them practice it until it became second nature.
He put his teachings and methods into a book, "Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States", also known as the Blue Book. The book was largely used to guide military training and maneuvers, as well as for personnel management. Some of the guidelines in the book are still employed to this day.