The program to this question can be given as follows:
#defining variable quarters, dimes, and nickels.
quarters=int(input("Enter value of quarters: ")) #input value by user dimes=int(input("Enter value of dimes: ")) #input value by user nickels=int(input("Enter value of nickels: ")) #input value by user
#defining variable pennies
pennies = ((25*quarters)+(10*dimes)+(5*nickels)) #calculate value in pennies variable
print('Total number of coins in pennies is: ',pennies)#print value
Enter value of quarters: 3
Enter value of dimes: 2
Enter value of nickels: 1
Total number of coins in pennies is: 100
Step-by-step explanation:
In the above python program code, firstly three variable "quarters, dimes, and nickels", all of these variable uses input function, that is used to take input value from the user side, in these variable, an int is used that defined, that user input only integer value.
- After taking input from the user a new variable "pennies" is defined, which is uses the user input values and calculates its addition.
- In the next line, print function is used, which uses variable "pennies" to print its calculated value.