Objective: A thoughtful counterreplies to classmates, demonstrating exceptional logic and reasoning filled response.
In response to:
I do not believe Columbus Day should not be a federal holiday in America because everywhere Columbus sailed, he took the indigenous people, who lived there before him and brought them in for labor, sex or just ended up killing them. He was committed to doing this because if he did not successfully bring back spices and gold, he would not get “10 percent of the profits, governorship over new-found lands, and the fame that would go with a new title: Admiral of the Ocean Sea” as promised (historyisaweapon).
Columbus Day should not be completely taken off the calendar but should be changed into a day of remembrance of all the people killed and put through slavery in order to jump start America. The indigenous people are the ones who made America what it is today. Quoted in the New York Times reads, “''We have ethnic diversity anyway; we celebrate it every day,'' Mr. Connell said. America does have ethnic diversity, but it is not celebrated. America is still conflicted with racism and discrimination throughout the country.
Sure, he might have "discovered" the country and people might say that America wouldn't have been discovered if it wasn't for him. Truth is, he found America with people already living on it, people with families and values that could have transferred into todays society if they weren't cut off by Columbus. Presentism plays a role in our modern arguments about Columbus Day because my opinion is based on my attitude towards Christopher Columbus after reading outside the modern textbooks and really gaining insight of who he actually was. Maybe in the past my opinion would have been different due to the lack of education I have today but since I’m in present day, I have all the tools to determine what I personally think about him and the situation. The federal holidays other than Columbus Day are perfectly understandable and reasonable. They are all good reasons to celebrate and we should still take time out of our days to honor them.
Columbus Day should be reconsidered because people ignore the negative aspects of it and the harmful reminders of what he did to the indigenous people in order to get gold and his title.