1- Okay "Tu" is the lady in the tuxedo
2- "Nosotras" is the girls in the basketball jerseys
3- "Èl" is the boy with the headphones
4- "Yo" is the man in the tuxedo pointing at himself
5- "Ellos" is the three kids
6- "Ella" is the girl infront of the chalkboard
Step-by-step explanation:
1- "Tu" means "You" in spanish
2- "Nosotras" refers to a group of people the ending "Tras"
is referring to WOMEN if it were MEN it would be "Tros"
3- "Èl" means "Him" in spanish ONLY ON MALES WILL YOU USE "Èl"
or on objects will Male endings such as "Èl Borrador" the Eraser
4- "Yo" means "Me" referrence is Male and Female
5- "Ellos" means "They" preferably with Males or Mixed Females and Male Groups if it were only Women it would be "Ellas"
6- "Ella" Is "Her" if it were a Male it would be "Èl"