1. These mangoes are tastier than those
2. Climbing is the most dangerous sport in the world
3. That's the most interesting book that I have ever read
4. English is easier to learn than Japanese
5. The longest building ever is the Great Wall
6. As harder you work, as happier you'll be
7. As more food you eat, as fatter you'll be
8. This exam is as easy as the previous one
9. The Hawaiian Islands are the rarest place on Earth
10. Tasneem is a little bit taller than Habiba
11. Asmaa is the tallest student of the school
12. No one is as intelligent as Nawal
13. Esraa and safeya are the same years old
14. Hams is as tall as as Shahd
15. The place was farther than I thought
16. No student in our class is as clever as John
17. This is the highest building in our city