Twin brothers Jackson and Jacob had more differences than similarities. Jacob was tall and Jackson was short. Jacob was always joking around while Jackson was a very serious person. Perhaps their greatest difference was that Jacob learned things quickly and easily in school while Jackson had to study long and hard. Jacob had the time of his life during high school. He played around a lot, did very little work, and managed to get Cs in most of his classes. On the other hand, Jackson had a difficult time during high school. He played around very little, worked really hard, and, like Jacob, managed to get Cs in most of his classes. When the twins went away to college, they acted in much the same way even though things had changed. Jacob went right to his usual tricks of skating by and doing as little as possible, while Jackson continued to work hard in all of his classes. Since he had worked hard his whole life, Jackson noticed that the work in college was much more difficult, but he was prepared for it. Jacob did not really notice that the difficulty had changed until the semester was over. Jackson managed to get Bs and Cs in all of his courses while Jacob earned mainly Ds and Fs and was placed on academic probation. What is the THEME of this passage?
A) Natural ability only gets you so far, but hard work can pay off in the end.
|B) Twins may look the same, but they are always very different. Reactivate
C) It never pays to work hard because everyone is born with natural skills that don't change.
D) If you learn things quickly, you will automatically succeed.