z = 1 1/3
z - 4/9 - 1/3 = 5/9
First make all the fractions have the same common denominator. Only one needs converted. Convert 1/3 into ninths like the other two.
1/3 is equal to 3/9. Since you have to multiply the bottom by 3 to get to 9, then you also have to multiply the top by 3.
Now you have
z - 4/9 - 3/9 = 5/9
Add 3/9 to each side of the equal sign.
z - 4/9 = 5/9 + 3/9 or z - 4/9 = 8/9
Add 4/9 to each side
z = 8/9 + 4/9 or z = 12/9
12/9 can be simplified to 1 3/9 or 1 1/3