Try to eat a variety of foods to get different vitamins and minerals. Foods that naturally are nutrient-rich include fruits and vegetables. Lean meats, fish, whole grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds also are high in nutrients
Calcium Nonfat and low-fat dairy, dairy substitutes, broccoli, dark, leafy greens, and sardines
Potassium Bananas, cantaloupe, raisins, nuts, fish, and spinach and other dark greens
Fiber Legumes (dried beans and peas), whole-grain foods and brans, seeds, apples, strawberries, carrots, raspberries, and colorful fruit and vegetables
Magnesium Spinach, black beans, peas, and almonds
Vitamin A Eggs, milk, carrots, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe
Vitamin C Oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, broccoli, and red and green bell peppers
Vitamin E Avocados, nuts, seeds, whole-grain foods, and spinach and other dark leafy greens
hope this helps.