Student hood is a wonderful thing if one uses it wisely.
To begin with, a student is free. I would not worry, for example, about clothing style, hair style and other protocols if I were a student like you.
A wise student believes that he will enjoy life abundantly if he completes his education successfully.
So, the first thing first is his principle. But, alas! I wouldn't worry about trivial things if I knew this principle certain years ago.
For example, I wouldn't worry about fashion cloths had I realized that it was not a big issue then.
Could not you do the same if you had been in my place?
Another advantage of being a student is that you harvest much knowledge, skill, and experience from the showers if you are wise.
What is more! Student hood is a time in which you trace your future. My advice for you, therefore, if you do things in the order of their importance, you will be a man of success.
If not, there will come a day in which you will say: "if I had used my student hood for good, I would be an effective man.”
A mere wish parallel to: "had I won a DV lottery last year, I would be in America now.”