- Answer the questions given.

1. Ogili ⇨ b. flavouring oil.
Clue/s ⇨ evening soup (you usually put flavouring oil/agents to soups to make it more tasty).
2. lorry ⇨ a. motor truck
Clue/s ⇨ mammy wagon (mammy wagon us an open sides truck used in Africa).
3. Ozo ⇨ d. highly respected
Clue/s ⇨ man of high standing in Ogbu (meaning, he was highly respected) & man of wealth & integrity (was truthful & rich).
4. Eke Day ⇨ d. market day
Clue/s ⇨ going to the market (Nwibe has to go to the market for the Eke Day) & buy that bundle of roofing thatch (Nwibe needs to but stuff from the market)