Lauren and Devin like shopping at the mall. But sometimes they can be hard to please.
"Lauren, look at those! (holding up earrings next to her ears)
Devin sighed, "I like this better.'' (pointing to earrings on a counter farther away)
"Maybe I don't want earrings at all." said Lauren. "What about these?'' (waving her arm in the air to display a bracelet)
"No," said Devin. "Now, these is perfect!" (pointing to a belt hanging on the far wall)
"Devin, look at those. (Ponting to the price tag on the belt) won't make my mom very happy," said Devin.
"Come on," replied Lauren. "Let's come back again tomorrow!"
Write more dialogue about Lauren and Devin's trip to the mall the next day. be sure to use all four demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, and those.