2 votes
The Learner's Functional English

Change the Voice of the following sentences:

We must conserve energy 2

1. You should display these notices prominently

He is believed to have destroyed document 4


People ought to keep dogs on a leash.

5. Tools cannot be made by animals.

6 I was brought up by my uncle


The Taj was built by Shah Jahan.

8. This lantern is fed by oil

9. Who is raising slogans against price hike?

10. Who boiled the eggs?

Exercise N_{0} 3

Change the Voice of the following sentences: 1. Someone will serve refreshments.

2. They make these artificial flowers

3. We admire the brave.

4 They pulled down the old house

5. The teacher has already taught this lesson.

6. Does he trouble you in the class?

7 Open the door. The exhibition was opened by the Prime Minister 10. A reward will be given to him by the President

8 Mr. Shahid taught us English.


Exercise No. 4

Change the Voice of the following sentences:

1. Who broke this table?

2 Ahmad asked a question.

3. Send the message.

4 Somebody has put out the light. 6. Books are bought by him.

5. Cricket is being played by the boys.

7 We were playing a hockey match 9. By whom was this jug broken?

8. Several letters have been written by the landlord

10 He will be greatly surprised if he is chosen

Exercise N 0.5

Change the Voice:

1. Nip the evil in the bud

2 He was not considered fit for this job by the Selection Board

3. The Election Commission has nullified the results of some constituencies

4. The poor are fed by the rich on the eve of Eid

5 Never tell a lie.

6. We are taught English by an experienced teacher. 7 By whom was the letter written? 8. Let his point be noted carefully.

Exercise N 0.

Change the following into passive voice:

1 The Government is lifting ban on the jobs. 2 Why was he writing articles in the newspapers?

3. We had achieved Pakistan after a long struggle 5. America will be soon releasing Afghan prisoners.

4. I shall be selling my bicycle.

Exercise N_{0} 7

Change the verbs in brackets to passive voice :.

1. Pakistan (defend) by Pak. Army. 3. He (take) to hospital by his friends.

2 The student (expel) from the University 4 Bosnia (free) by the Muslims

5. Trees (not blow) down by the wind

Exercise N_{0} 8

Change the Voice of the following sentences:

1. The president dissolved the assembly

2. He was declared physically unfit by the Medical Board 3. Let this matter be addressed first. 4. The patient is being treated by a veteran physician.

5. He will have completed his education by the end of the next year.

1 Answer

8 votes

Step-by-step explanation:

Energy must be conserved by us.

These notices should be displayed by you prominently.

The document is believed to have been destroyed by him.

Dogs ought to be kept on a leash by people.

Animals cannot make tools.

My uncle brought me up.

Sham Jahan built Taj

Oil feeds lanterns.

Slogans against price hikes are made by who?

The eggs were boiled by who?

1. Refreshments will be served by someone.

2. These artificial flowers are made by them.

3. The brave are being admired by us.

4. The old house was pulled down by them.


I'm tired

User Derekdreery
7.4k points