Step-by-step explanation:
The "Enlightenment" means that religion and church ni longer able to be the sole provider of answer to the life and philosophycal questions. Such thing as "divine revelation" and "divine right of kings" no longer hold any meaning as the "Enlightenment" encourage people to think and questioning. For example, why God would give right for kings to do [insert action].
The Enlightenment make ordinary person able to be free from supeestition and church doctrine.
"Eurocentric" mean subject or point of views that based on the Europe continent. Such view were spread around the globe in the age of colonisation in the name of "Gold, Glory, and Gospel". This further enforced in the 18th-19th century under the name of "white man burdens", an ideology that Europe is a pinnacle of civilizations and as such its a duty for white people to "saves" the non-europeans from themself by making them "western" as possible.
Enligthened Europeans are not the only advanced civilization. To assume otherwise is a gross ignorance of history. The Enlighenment may come from Greek and Roman works, but the preservation and furthee studies and discoveries were all thanks to muslim civilization. Without Muslims extensive effort to preserves, translate, and further learning and discoveries in "Baitul Hikmah"(Bank/Hall of Knowledge), the Europe will never get out of the Dark Age and achieve "Enligthenment".