“ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE” poem we will discuss short summary of the poem as well as the detailed summary. In short summary “ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE” A man comes into this world he looks helpless he can not do so anything, he totally depends on others, then he grows up and school-going child, he unwilling goes to school, he becomes young and becomes lover. After it, he feels himself mature but in fact, he is not he is actually fooling and does not care about his life and just wants to gain fame. In the fifth stage he becomes a serious man and says quotation and advises to others and shows up as a judge, in six he becomes old and everything that he has become loose and in last stage he becomes once again a child. Indeed this is short summary of the “ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE”. Now we will discuss about detailed summary of the poem In this poem “SEVEN STAGE IN ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE”, he has presented the seven ages of man’s life which are so real and believable that no one can refute them. According to him, man has the following seven stages. Now, we will discuss about the summary of ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE
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