1- Electric charges (positive and negative) - Benjamin Franklin in 1742.
2- Coulomb's law: Charles Augustin Coulomb from 1764 to 1772.
3- Electric field: Michael Faraday - 1821
4- Gauss's Law: Joseph Louis Lagrange was the first to formulate the rule in 1773, followed by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1867.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Electric charge: In 1742, an American orator and inventor named Benjamin Franklin designed the positive and negative values of the charge.
Coulomb's law: The theory was first published in 1785 by Charles Augustin de Coulomb, a French physicist who was instrumental and prominent in the advancement of electromagnetism theory.
Gauss Law: Carl Friedrich Gauss developed this law in 1835. It was not released until 1867, However, Classical electrodynamics is based on this law.