Step-by-step explanation:
How was Bob Dylan unlike some of the other performers of the time?
he was a folk singer who sung about changing times
Explain in your own words what Bob Dylan is saying in his song “The Times They Are A-Changin’”
Dylan wrote the song as a deliberate attempt to create an anthem of change for the time, influenced by Irish and Scottish ballads.
What were the driving factors (the reasons) that led people to believe that society in the United States needed to change?
civil rights movement and vietnam war
How did the baby boomers have an impact on the growth of the counterculture movement?
they started it. they resisted the military draft. they were about free love and equality and peace
What were the differences between the “New Left” and the “Old Left”?
old left were pro union and labor but believed in whatever the government told them
the new left did not. they resisted militarism
What was the significance of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)?
they were students who believed in militant change in american society led by students
What happened at Berkeley and how did that event impact college campuses around the country?
In 1964, Mario Savio and 500 fellow students marched on Berkeley's administration building to protest the university's order. He and other leaders called for an organized student protest to abolish all restrictions on students' free-speech rights throughout the University of California system.
(mtsu dot edu)
How did the physical appearance of “hippies” fit in to what they believed?
unshaved ungroomed and tie dye colorful non conformist clothing showed how they were part of the counterculture and how they would form their own opinions on things
Explain (don’t just list) some of the core beliefs of the counterculture movement?
anti war
financial equality
racial equality
non violence
What does the article mean when it talks about a generation gap?
war war two generation and baby boomer generation viewed the same things like politics very differently
Why did “the mainstream” have such a hard time accepting the counterculture movement and their beliefs?
because the counterculture against what the “the mainstream” stood for which was conformity
What were the four core beliefs listed of mainstream Americans, and how did each differ from those of the counterculture movement?
believing without questioning what the government said
belief in the importance of social upward mobility
belief in white is right
Explain the idea of a “commune” and why many parents were so against this type of lifestyle.
because it supported free love. relationships and child bearing without marriage
not relying on religion
and freedom in drug use
How did the drug culture of the counterculture movement impact the federal government?
government got rid of the draft
gained the courage to oust richard nixon
Where did the name “Flower Children” come from?
Flower child originated as a synonym for hippie, especially among the idealistic young people who gathered in San Francisco and the surrounding area during the Summer of Love in 1967. (wikipedia)
Why did many mainstream adults worry that the music of the movement led to an increase in drug use?
because the music encouraged drug use as a way to expand the mind
How did the two concerts listed (Woodstock and Altamont) show two very different sides of the counterculture movement? (We are going to talk more about these two concerts later this week.)
open drug use
not having to pay to go
free love
hard rock (unconventional music)