Your Assignment:
Write in French a well-organized composition on the question below. Show precision and variety in your choice of vocabulary and verb tenses.
"Si tu avais le choix, où habiterais-tu, en ville ou à la campagne ? Défends ta préférence en donnant des exemples de ce qu’on pourrait faire ou ne pas faire si on habitait en ville ou à la campagne."
• Your essay should be at least 100 words.
Hints and Tips
Keep in mind that your essay will be evaluated according to following criteria:
• Content: Are the ideas and the content of the essay relevant and does it present a thorough treatment of the topic?
• Organization: Is the essay well organized?
• Grammar: Does the essay show control of complex structures and verbs?
• Vocabulary: Does the essay use rich, precise, idiomatic vocabulary?
• Mechanics: Does the essay show a very good command of the written language (i.e. spelling, sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation)?