Answer: No amount of spying on our kids is going to make them safer. In fact, it can lead to a host of unwanted consequences, like building mutual distrust between you and your children. It can backfire and encourage them to try even harder to hide risky behavior because they know you're looking for it. In fact, it can lead to a host of unwanted consequences, like building mutual distrust between you and your children. It can backfire and encourage them to try even harder to hide risky behavior because they know you're looking for it. Yet, surveys say it's quite common for parents to digitally snoop on their kids. When phones are taken away as punishment, Dr. Peters says, kids tend to withdraw from the parent. They don't talk to the parent. You're really setting yourself up for a dishonest teen because they need that contact and will resort to sneaky behavior to get it.
Explanation: you just got your answer by Mickey the mouse your welcome. Mark me plz