Janell has discovered in her literature review that people often learn by imitation and observation (termed social learning). For example, when children see an adult behave violently toward a doll, they often imitate this violent behavior. Janell decides to do a study in which children who are initially afraid of snakes either view an adult playing with a snake or view nothing at all. She thinks that the children who view an adult playing with a snake will be more likely to later pet a snake than children who view nothing at all. Which of the following statements best represents the hypothesis?
a. "Social learning refers to the idea that people often learn by imitation and observation."
b. "Children who view an adult playing with a snake will be more likely to later pet a snake than children who view nothing at all."
c. "Past research has found that when children see an adult behave violently toward a doll, they often imitate the violent behavior."
d. All of the above can be considered hypotheses.