Step-by-step explanation:
English traslation:
Miguel and Esteban were friends. They went to school together and lived on the same street. Miguel was a very good boy, But Stephen was arrogant and spoiled. It was believed more big and strong than the others. He always offended his Fellows. If I saw them making a mistake I would say to them laughing: ¡Fools!. Hardly anyone could stand to play with him.
One day, they went for a walk in the country together. Stephen bet on who won a race to a flamboyant very nice there was out there.
- You lose! -scream, and as soon as he said it, he came out shot like an arrow without waiting for Miguel. when came to the flowery tree, his poor friend still came very away, so he decided to lie under the tree and fall asleep so mock Miguel when he arrived, saying to him like this:
- How slow and lazy you are! I even fell asleep waiting for you.