The study of microeconomics helps the decision makers to analyze and determine how the productive resources are allocated for various goods and services. It also helps in solving the producers' dilemma of what to produce, how much to produce and for whom to produce.
Step-by-step explanation:
With the help of microeconomic analysis, business firms can forecast their level of demand within the certain time interval. The demand for a commodity fluctuates depending upon various factors affecting it. Thus, business firms and decision makers can determine the level of demand for the commodity.
Microeconomic theories explain various conditions of cost like fixed cost, variable cost, average cost, and marginal cost. Along with this, it also provides an analysis of the short run and long run costs that help the business decision makers determine the cost of production and other related costs, so they can implement policies to cut down cost and increase their level of profit.Microeconomics explains the operating of a free market economy where, an individual producer has the freedom to take economic decisions like what to produce, how to produce, or for whom to produce. Allocation of resources is determined by price or market mechanism i.e. interaction between demand and supply.