(0, 4) (-4, 3) (-4, 4)
Translation rules:
Units UP - Add to the y-coordinate.
Units DOWN - Subtract from the y-coordinate.
Units RIGHT - Add to the x-coordinate.
Units LEFT - Subtract from the x-coordinate.
In this case, the word problem is asking for the points after a translation of 3 units up.
(x, y+3)
(0,1) → (0,4)
(4,0) → (4,3)
(4,1) → (4,4)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now it's time to reflect the new points over the y-axis.
When reflecting over the y-axis, the y-coordinate remains the same, but the x-coordinate becomes the opposite value. (-x, y)
(0,4) → (0,4)
(4,3) → (-4,3)
(4,4) → (-4,4)