Alzheimer's disease.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions.
Brain cell connections and the cells themselves degenerate and die, eventually destroying memory and other important mental functions.
Symptoms :
Cognitive: mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion in the evening hours, delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, inability to do simple maths, or inability to recognise common things
Behavioural: aggression, agitation, difficulty with self care, irritability, meaningless repetition of own words, personality changes, restlessness, lack of restraint, or wandering and getting lost
Mood: anger, apathy, general discontent, loneliness, or mood swings
Psychological: depression, hallucination, or paranoia
Also common: appetite loss, difficulty with skilled movement, or paraphasia
there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease or a way to stop or slow its progression, there are drug and non-drug options that may help treat symptoms.
Alzheimer's disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal build-up of proteins in and around brain cells.
I chosed it because it is very common
Over 1.5 million people come up with this disease