1. Ordering
2. Warning
3. Moralizing
4. Using Logic
5. Criticism
Step-by-step explanation:
There are various roadblocks to effective communication, some of which include:
1. Ordering: ordering the recipient or using commanding words or tones usually affects the communication. The recipient often feels he is being treated like a kid; hence, he will want to reject the message being communicated.
2. Warning: using warning tones can cause the recipient of a message to reject the message with resentment or a form of resistance.
3. Moralizing: when the message sender is sounding like he is preaching morality, the recipient usually want to resist and reject such message, thereby affecting the communication
4. Using Logic: using logic to pass a message usually sound like an argument. Often the recipient perceives the message as superior content, and in order not to feel inferior, might reject the message out rightly.
5. Criticizing: when a message comes in the form of criticism, the recipient often rejects it as perceived in terms of hostility towards him.