3 factors.
When we have a product of some numbers A, B and C
(here I used 3, but the number does not matter, is just for the example)
To find the number of factors of the product, we first need to find the number of factors for each one of the numbers that is being multiplicated.
Here you need to remember that every integer number can be written as a product of prime numbers.
For example, 15 can be written as:
15 = 2*3*5
So the number 15 has 3 factors.
In the case of prime numbers, like 7, we have:
7 = 7
So 7 has only one factor in its decomposition.
In our case, our numbers are:
7, 11, and 13.
We can see that the 3 numbers are prime numbers.
Then each number has only one factor in its decomposition.
Then we have 3 factors in the multiplication, it is: