Letter writing to a chairman about transportation issues in my area.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Chairman
The Transport and Development Department
XYZ District
State of ABC
10 May 2001
Subject: Request for faster and better means of transportation.
Dear Sir,
With due respect, I would like to bring to your attention that my village has been left aloof for so long. The roads are not developed nor are they being made. We have to make them on our own, which leaves us with a huge disadvantage whenever an emergency comes.
Whenever there's an issue, we have to make do with whatever is available. But if we could have a better road, it will not only allow us easy accessibility but also bring the public transportations into the village. This will in turn, greatly relieve the people from walking long distances and save their time and energy.
It is my request to you that you please look into the matter and make the necessary changes.
Thank you.
Mr. Akil
Village Chief of .......