
First, you have to make all of the fractions have a common denominator. You can find the LCM (least common multiple) of 6 and 8.
6, 12, 18, 24 . . .
8, 16, 24 . . .
Their LCM is 24.
So now, change the fractions:
1 4
---- = -----
6 24
Remember, whatever you multiply the bottom by to get to 24 is what you multiply the top number by. You have the make sure the fractions are equivalent.
1 3
---- = -----
8 24
Remember, whatever you multiply the bottom by to get to 24 is what you multiply the top number by. You have the make sure the fractions are equivalent.
So if we have 1 band practice, we know that
24 1
---- = ---- = 1
24 1
So the fraction of practice time spent playing music is: