3 votes
Several sheets of white drawing paper

Drawing pencils
Minimum of five objects


After learning a little bit about still life drawing, the best way to further your understanding is to jump right in and try it out! So, that’s what we are going to do!

Find at least five objects around your house, or outside in nature, and arrange them somewhere that they will not be moved or messed with for at least 24 hours.
Some ideas are:
Dishes and food items
Leaves, branches, rocks, or other nature items
Toys and stuffed animals
Sculptures or small trinkets
Makeup or bathroom items
* Remember to ask permission first if you are wanting to use something that belongs to someone else
Once the objects are arranged to your liking, decide where you will sit. Make sure you are comfortable as still life drawing can sometimes take quite a while. If possible, put a small piece of tape on the floor to mark your exact location.
Next, take a photograph of the objects to submit your final drawing. Make sure to take the photograph from the exact location that you will be drawing from.
Start drawing! Keep in mind some of the tips mentioned in the unit:
Experiment with and use shading to capture how the light is hitting your objects.
Play around with different line strokes to create the different textures on each one of the objects.
Try to recreate an identical image to what you see in terms of arrangement.
Work on your still life for one solid hour. Then, get up and take a break for at least two hours, if not longer.
When you return to your still life, make sure that you are sitting in the exact same location before you begin drawing again. Most likely, the lighting will be slightly different. How can you accommodate this in your drawing without having to start over?
Continue working on your still life until you feel that you have perfectly captured the objects on the page as they are in real life.


1 Answer

5 votes

cool ill try seems fun

User RAL
4.6k points