(1) The world's largest rodent is an animal called the capybara. (2) These animals are usually the size of medium-sized dogs. (3) They weigh an average of 100 pounds. (4) Capybaras have coarse, brown fur. (5) Because they are social animals, capybaras usually live in groups. (6) Capybaras make clicking and squeaking noises to communicate with each other. (7) They live in Central and South America and spend time on dry land and in water. (8) Capybaras eat plants such as grasses and leaves. Lily decided to revise the paragraph by combining sentences 2 and 3 this way: These animals, which are usually the size of medium dogs, weigh an average of 100 pounds. Did Lily combine the sentences appropriately for this paragraph? A) yes, because the two ideas are related B) no, because dogs cannot ever weigh 100 pounds C) yes, because the paragraph looks better this way D) no, because the new sentence does not make sense