Answer and Explanation:
Although it is a recent technology, drones, or flying robots, are used in agriculture for a certain time, as they are able to do jobs with high precision providing benefits not only to the agricultural sector, but to the environmental sector as a whole. Drones can be great allies in the fight against climate change, through activities such as:
- Locate fire outbreaks: Whether in the fields or in the forest, when drones fly over areas, they can catch fire outbreaks, or areas that have great fire potential, allowing the fight against these fires to be carried out early, reducing the risks of deforestation and the emission of gases that stimulate climate change
- Decrease in the use of pesticides: Drones are able to spray agricultural areas with a smaller amount of pesticides. This, in addition to making production healthier and saving costs, allows the environment to have less impact and be less degraded.
- Check areas that need and go through a reforestation process: Deforestation is one of the major providers of climate change and to reverse this situation, drones can be used to identify areas that need reforestation quickly and accurately by quickly mapping the topography of the region to carry out analyzes that show the best way to reforest.