Converting 66.6% to a fraction involves expressing it as 66.6/100 and simplifying, yielding 2/3. Alternatively, the decimal form 0.666 can be converted to 2/3 by multiplying by 10.
Converting a percentage to a fraction involves expressing the percentage as a fraction with a denominator of 100 and then simplifying it.
For instance, to convert 66.6% to a fraction, you start with 66.6/100. To simplify, you divide both the numerator and denominator by a common factor, which in this case is 33.3. This results in 2/3, indicating that 66.6% is equivalent to 2/3.
An alternative method involves using the decimal form of the percentage. For 66.6%, the decimal is 0.666. To convert this decimal to a fraction, multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10, yielding 6.66/10. Continuing this process until there are no decimals left, you get 666/1000, and simplifying further results in 2/3.