If I was an action super hero for the day, I would be BlakCrystalzz. And I would have cool powers like, Unbreakable Bones, and Night Vision, and more cool powers.
So my name is BlakCrystalzz, and I got my name because of my personality. I was as sharp as a crystal, and I could move through the night like no other. My powers are Night Vision, Unbreakable bones, and super speed.
I found out I had superpowers when I was out at the park at night, and my mom left me to use the bathroom. I was sitting on the bench and I saw a man walking toward me. I got up and walked away casually. The man started running and I started running as well. But when I started running, I felt myself going fast and the man couldn't catch up to me. That was when I figured out I had super speed. Since it was getting dark out I was starting to get scared and I found out I can see much better in the dark. I was moving so smoothly and I wasn't hesitating during the night. That was how I discovered I had powers.
Step-by-step explanation:
(P.S. This is of course not real, but I tried my best.) I hope this helps. :)