There are specific things that us humans experience that are caused by nature and by nurture, but there are also things that they work together on as well. I believe that gender and gender expression is fueled by both nature and nurture. An experiment was conducted in England with toddlers and adults. The adults were to watch over the toddlers and play with them. What the adults didn't know is the toddlers were dressed as the opposite sex. A little girl dressed as a male was handed "boys toys" and a boy dressed as a female was handed "girls toys". But the scientist went even further with her research and went to a zoo. Chimpanzees are our closest relatives and were the target group for the experiment. Different gendered toys were placed about and one by one monkeys began to play with the twos. However, the male chimps played with the "boys toys" and the female with the "girls toys". So it was proven quickly that while it may seem like more nurture than nature, nature does play a role in gender expression.