143.715 liters of 90% alcohol and 191.285 liters of 20% alcohol must be used to achieve 335 liters of 50% alcohol.
Since I need to dilute an alcohol solution down, and I have a 90% alcohol solution and a 20% alcohol solution, if I want to end up with 335L of 50% alcohol, to determine how much of each do I need to be perform the following calculation:
100 x 0.9 + 0 x 0.2 = 90
90 x 0.9 + 10 x 0.2 = 83
80 x 0.9 + 20 x 0.2 = 76
70 x 0.9 + 30 x 0.2 = 69
60 x 0.9 + 40 x 0.2 = 62
50 x 0.9 + 50 x 0.2 = 55
40 x 0.9 + 60 x 0.2 = 48
42 x 0.9 + 58 x 0.2 = 49.4
43 x 0.9 + 57 x 0.2 = 50.1
42.9 x 0.9 + 57.1 x 0.2 = 50
335 x 42.9 / 100 = 143.715
335 - 143,715 = 191,285
Thus, 143.715 liters of 90% alcohol and 191.285 liters of 20% alcohol must be used to achieve 335 liters of 50% alcohol.