Statement 1: exactly one man and one woman ate a sushi type with the same initial of their first names.
Condition 2: A man had green chopsticks and a woman had pink ones.
Condition 3: A woman ate 26 pieces.
Condition 4: Serena and Michael didn't use yellow chopsticks.
Condition 5: The person who ate nigiri ate 2 pieces less than Uliana.
Condition 6: The person with black chopsticks didn't eat uramaki. The person with green chopsticks didn't eat nigiri.
Condition 7: The persons with black and green chopsticks ate 50 pieces in total.
Condition 8: Nestor used black chopsticks or ate sashimi. He didn't eat 28 pieces.
Condition 9: More maki pieces were eaten than uramaki pieces.
Condition 10: Michael ate sashimi or ate 22 pieces.
Condition 11: The person who ate sashimi didn't eat 24 pieces.
From this information, we can deduce:
The woman who ate 26 pieces is Uliana.
The person who ate 2 pieces less than Uliana is the one who ate nigiri. So, Uliana ate 28 pieces of nigiri.
The person who had green chopsticks is a man, so the person who had pink chopsticks is a woman.
The person who had green chopsticks and the person who had black chopsticks ate 50 pieces in total.
The person who had green chopsticks didn't eat nigiri and the person who had black chopsticks didn't eat uramaki.
Nestor used black chopsticks, and he didn't eat 28 pieces, so he ate 22 pieces of sashimi.
Michael ate sashimi or ate 22 pieces and he didn't use yellow chopsticks, so he ate sashimi.
With this information, we can determine that Serena ate uramaki and maki, and Nestor ate sashimi, but we can't determine who ate more sushi.
Uday Tahlan