The correct option is 3.
Tex-Mex cuisine, such as chili con carne and fajitas, is the aspect of Texas culture that resulted from the mixture of Spanish, Mexican, and American cultures, reflecting the historical blend of these different influences.
The cultural mixing of Spanish, Mexican, and American cultures in Texas has given rise to various unique cultural elements. One such element is Tex-Mex cuisine, which includes dishes such as chili con carne and fajitas. This cuisine is a direct result of the blending of Mexican culinary traditions with American tastes and ingredients, reflecting the historical amalgamation of the different cultures in the region.
While the popularity of high school football, the widespread practice of Protestantism, and reciting the Texas pledge of allegiance in schools are also aspects of Texan culture, they are more reflective of American influences rather than a mixture of Spanish, Mexican, and American cultures.
Throughout history, many American settlers who migrated to Texas retained their religious and cultural identities, such as Protestantism, which was distinct from the Roman Catholic beliefs of the native tejanos. The settlers' attempt to assimilate into Mexican society was largely unsuccessful, leading to tensions that contributed to the Texas Revolution and the eventual independence of Texas as the Republic of Texas, or the Lone Star Republic.
The complete question is given below:
Which of the following aspects of Texas culture resulted from the mixture of Spanish, Mexican, and American cultures?
- The popularity of high school football
- The widespread practice of Protestantism
- Tex-Mex cuisine, such as chili con carne and fajitas
- Reciting the Texas pledge of allegiance in schools