Answer in bold and underlined
Answer 1: La herida por la que/la cual me perdí la carrera me duele mucho.
Translation 1: The injury that caused me to miss the race hurts a lot.
Answer 2: El teatro al que/al cual fui era realmente pequeño.
Translation 2: The theater I/I went to was really small.
Answer 3: Los caminos por los que/los cuales pasas no son los más fáciles.
Translation 3: The paths you/you pass through are not the easiest.
Answer 4: Las mujeres con las que/las cuales trabaja lo aprecian mucho.
Translation 4: The women with whom/whom you work appreciate it very much.
Answer 5: La profesora, cuyos artículos son conocidos en todo el mundo, nos da clases en la universidad.
Translation 5: The professor, whose articles are known all over the world, teaches us at the university.
Answer 6: Pablo, cuya madre es abogada, sabe mucho de leyes.
Translation 6: Pablo, whose mother is a lawyer, knows a lot about law.