Use a division algorithm to show the result of dividing 1716/132.
First, write down the following arrangement:
Pick up the first 3 numbers of 1716, since 171>132:
Find the greatest number between 0 and 9 such that 132 times that number is less than or equal to 171.
132 * 0 = 0
132 * 1 = 132
132 * 2 = 264
Since 264>171, the biggest number that satisfies the condition is 1. Write 1 over the last digit of 171 and write 132 under the digits of 171:
Substract 132 from 171 to find the remainder. Bring down the next digit of 1716 to complete the remainder.
Repeat the procedure: find the biggest number between 0 and 9 such that 132 times that number is less than or equal to 396, and substract that product from 396 to find the remainder.
Since 132*3=396, the next number is 3.