we have that
using a Correlation Coefficient Calculator
Please wait a minute to calculate the correlation coefficient
The value of R is: 0.6775
This is a moderate positive correlation, which means there is a tendency for high X variable scores go with high Y variable scores (and vice versa
Part b
Is positive and moderate
Part c
using a Linear Regression Calculator
y= 0.13085X + 2.05929
Part d
For x=30,000 miles
substitute in the equation Part C
y= 0.13085*(30,000) + 2.05929
Part e
For x=43,000 miles
substitute in the equation Part c
y= 0.13085*(43,000) + 2.05929
Compare with the value of the given table
For x=43,000 miles -------> y=$14,000
5,628 < 14,000
the answer is Lower