Do you like animals or have a favorite animals, I do mine is a....put what your favorite animal is and this animal is a.... is your favorite animals a carnivore,omnivore or herbivore.
carnivores eat only mean
omnivores eat both
Herbivores eat plants
This type of animal example a lion lives in a desert biome some live in the marine,taiga forest or aquatic biomes.
Marine biomes have sharks,whales,fish and turtles.
Forest biomes have like lizards or snakes.
Desert biomes has also snakes,lions,elephants,scorpions and camels.
Animals have predators or prey example a panther prey are deer or raccoons, and there predators are lions or sometimes hyenas. Animals live in different temperatures and have natural extincts to survive an example is like a bears or squirrels going into hibernation. Well I guess it's my time to hibernate good night.
Hope this helps.