10 notes:
- The Enlightenment or Age of Light refers to the belief that old ideas needed investigated to see if they were still valid.
- Montesquieu was a jurist who owned an estate near Bordeaux and published the Persian Letters in 1721.
- Voltaire's discourtesy to Aristocats got him sent to Bastille prison
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau had multiple ideas about education reform.
- Rousseau promoted middle-class values, such as hard work, practicality, and domesticity for women.
- wealthy women in Europe instituted the Enlightenment salon in their homes to learn the latest ideas, latest books, or meet the latest philosopher.
- The men's clothing changed from wearing wigs, makeup, and corsets; to being natural like other people around the word.
- The Encyclopedia, made in France, contained topics about natural rights and statuses of women
- The Encyclopedia provided a spark in inventiveness and growing prosperity in Europe
- Deists were people who argued that God existed, but he didn't influence everyday life after creating the universe.