Hello there. To solve this question, we'll have to perform long division to find the quotient of the division of the following polynomials:
We use the following algorithm to divide the polynomials
Above the line, we put the terms that, when multiplied by the terms of (3x - 5), will give us a term from the cubic polynomial.
Start multiplying it by 2x², since 2x² * 3x = 6x³; then subtract it from the polynomial:
Don't forget to multiply the remaining terms
Now, multiply it by -3x, because (-3x) * 3x = -9x². Subtract it from the polynomial:
Finally, multiply it by 4, becuase 4 * 3x = 12x.
Notice that now we can no longer divide the polynomial because its degree is less than the degree of the divisor.
So we say that
Another way of getting this same result is to use the Horner-Ruffini device: