The compounded interest formula to calculate the final values is:

Now calculate the balance of the Mitch account at age of 34 (first 10 years)

In the first 10 years, Mitch accumulate $12,577.89
Now calculate the future value for the compound interest formula for the next 41 years.

So Mitch has in his account at age of 75 $92975.63
Now calculate the balance for the Bill account after 30 years of deposits:

So Bill has $66,438.85 at age of 75.
Remember that Mitch deposits $10,000 ($1,000*10years) and Bill deposits $30,000 ($1,000*30years)
The final answer and conclusion are:
Mitch ends up with more money in his account despite not having deposited as much money as Bill because the interest that is initially accumulated accrues interest throughout the life of the account.