Water base fee: $37.95
Water usage (≤ 30HCF):$3.46/HCF
Water usage (>30HCF):$4.79/HCF
Sewe base fee: $35.55
Sewe usage fee: $3.92/HCF
Storm Drain fee: $8.95
She had the following uses:
Water usage: 44 HCF → since the value is above 30HCF, the price per HCF you have to use is $4.79. The total cost of the water usage is the amount used multiplied by the unit price

To determine the total cost of the water usage (W) you have to add the base fee (b_w) and the cost of the water she used(u_w):

Sewer usage: 33HCF → the price per HCF of sewer usage is $3.92
To determine the cost of the sewer usage, you have to multiply the amount used by the unit price:

The total cost of the Sewer usage (S) is equal to the sum of the base fee (b_s) and the usage (u_s)

Finally, add the water and sewer fees to determine the total cost of the bill:

The total cost of the bill will be $413.62