For each number we have to do two steps before ordering them:
Step 1. Convert to decimal
Step 2. Find the absolute value
For the number 0.6
Convert to decimal: 0.6
Find the absolute value: l 0.6 l=0.6
For the number 1/8
Convert to decimal: 0.125
Find the absolute value: l 0.125 l= 0.125
For the number -1/2
Convert to decimal: -0.5
Find the absolute value: l -0.5 l= 0.5
For the number -0.4
Convert to decimal: -0.4
Find the absolute value: l -0.4 l =0.4
For the number 0.85
Convert to decimal: 0.85
Find the absolute value: l 0.85 l=0.85
For the number -0.7
Convert to decimal: -0.7
Find the absolute value: l -0.7 l =0.7
So, the list of number we have in decimal form is:
0.6, 0.125, 0.5, 0.4, 0.85, 0.7
Finally, we order them from least to greatest:
If you don't need further explanation, we can end the session, have a nice day!