We have to calculate the expected value for Alyssa playing roulette.
The expected value is calculated as the weighted sum of all the possible the outcomes, weighted by the probabilities of occurrence of this outcomes.
Then, we start by listing all the outcomes:
1) One of the numbers of the block comes up.
This will happen with a probability of 4 out of 38 (P=4/38). NOTE: The total numbers of the roulette are 38.
The net prize, that is excluding the $5 she bets, is $40.
2) None of the numbers of the block comes up.
That will happen with probability 34 out of 38 (P=34/38).
The net prize, as she will lose the $5 she bets, is -$5.
The expected value can be calculated as:

The expected value for Alyssa is -$0.26.