Space ships and space suits are tight because space is a vacuum.
Step-by-step explanation:
Real space suits are made from a Kevlar-like fabric, which is then pumped full of air to maintain enough pressure for a human to survive and work. If you pump air into any flexible material, it inflates like a balloon. Space suits are no different.
Astronauts have complained that space suits are tiring to move around in, because they also become rigid like a balloon. Modern space suits have complex mechanical joints to make movement easier. But there’s only so much you can do with what is effectively still a stiff human-shaped balloon.
So a team at MIT under engineer Dana Newman has constructed a prototype skin-tight space suit that uses physical pressure instead of air to hold your body in. Think of it like a very stiff and tight leotard with an air bubble just around your head. But at this point it’s more of a promising concept than reality.