Step-by-step explanation:
Prefix Root Suffix New word
nonconform -ist nonconformist
Suppose that you come across the following sentence in a literature textbook.
Ralph Waldo Emerson led a movement of nonconformist thinkers.
If you did not know the meaning of nonconformist, how could you determine it? An easy and fast
alternative to looking in the dictionary is to break the word into parts and analyze the meaning of each
part. Many words in the English language are made up of word parts called prefixes, roots, and
suffixes. These word parts have specific meanings that, when added together, can help you determine
the meaning of the word as a whole.
Prefix + Root + Suffix=new word
non- + conform + -ist=nonconformist witch means
MEANS: not + go along + one who does something=someone who does not go along with orthers but in other words yes the /answer is:yes