Answer: History gives you knowledge and understanding of the world
Explanation: Learn History and learn not to repeat its mistakes
Example Wars
As long as humans have lived there have been disagreements about food, land, water housing, economics, love, greed, religions, countries, world, space ...everything and anything people have fought over.
When disagreements can not be found with an equal solution on both sides, war starts,,,,Romans were warmongering and took over the world as it was at that time, they took over Egypt too and conquered Cleopatra.
. Hitler had been in World War I and was injured . Germany was in danger of total economic collapse after the war with Russia He became another evil murderer who wiped out millions of Jewish Men, Women, and children in giant ovens. anyone who opposed Hitler was killed by him including the Germans .. all over Europe, Poland, Germany, , and France, If we did not win the War, we would all be speaking German and Japanese now. All over the West .
Viet Nam was another economic disaster that Americans never should have gotten involved BUT WAR is MONEY.
And it is a bad way of cutting down on overpopulation. Almost every generation goes through a war where our men and women fight like Afganastan for example
A lot of History shows that War is brought on by greed and oppression and ignorance.
History also shows us how far we have come as a nation and human beings. History is great learning about algaculture, foods, and drinks, art, music, textiles, building, finance, medicine The Market Crashes we have had, the court system to punish people who do bad things and hurt others like the Shawshank Redemption about prejudice against the blacks in the deep South...
Music like the Beatles, the Stones, Elvis, etc... History is a minute ago, an hour, a day, yesterday, last week, last month last year last century a hundred years ago, thousands of years ago, and millions of years ago like the dinosaurs, the beginning of modern man flying, , the first chariot and car and jet, and submarine and motorcycle-like Indian Head gave way to Harley Davidson .. Kellogs cereals were started in a mental hospital give better nutrition to its patients and it went viral ...
Who knows who the next doctor to totally eradicate covid will be, or who will stop the current war and give us peace? every breath you just took is history. history is the past the past is gone remember it, learn it, understand it, embrace the good parts, and learn not no do the bad.
When you die, you will be; part of History, too.